
IMPORTANT: Payment must be made at the time of registration. If payment is not completed, we can not hold your spot in the class. Your registration will be removed and you will need to re-register and complete payment to be placed on the class roster. If you are having trouble with the registration & payment process, please contact us.



You and your dog are a team. You take walks together, relax together, share the same house, and sometimes even the same bed. AKC Rally enhances your ability to work as a team! It will sharpen your dog's obedience skills and attention. Rally will increase confidence and be a fun activity that you can share with your dog to deepen your bond.

In rally you are permitted, and even encouraged, to talk with your dog and give cues. The novice and intermediate levels are on leash. You proceed through the ring following a set of signs each with a different activity for you and your dog to perform.

In rally competition you and your dog can earn titles at the novice, intermediate, advanced, excellent, and master levels. Judging is much less strict than in obedience. You enter the ring with 100 points and any team with 70 or more points at the end earns a qualifying leg! At all levels, except master, 3 legs earns you a title! At the master level 10 legs earns a title.

Rally Novice-Advanced

We are happy to offer Rally Novice-Advanced classes! You will learn the basics of rally rules, how to perform the novice signs, and some advance signs. You and your dog should be able to perform a sit, down, and walk in the ring on a loose leash. Successful completion of a basic obedience class is required. It would be beneficial to have taken beginner novice and be able to do right and left finishes, but it is not required. Class size will be limited to assure individual teaching and plenty of ring time.

Come have fun with your dog and increase the bond between you and your dog!

