Advanced Obedience

Our advanced classes are for anyone who is interested in competing or just want to continue to grow their relationship with their dog by adding more challenging skills. All competition classes are drop in. The fee for a drop in class is payable a la carte at $10 per session or you are welcome to buy a drop-in card .



Novice Classes are held Mondays at 7:30 pm and Tuesdays at 8 pm.

Novice builds on the skills learned in Beginner Novice. The class covers on and off lead healing, figure eights, stand for exam, recall, and stays. You will learn all the skills you need to enter the Novice ring and compete with your dog.


Open classes are offered Mondays at 7 pm. 

All of the exercises for Open are worked in this run-thru style class. Dogs should be able to jump and pick up a dumbbell.

Beginner Open is offered occasionally for students needing to learn the fundamentals of the jumping/retrieving exercise. Please check the schedule.

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Utility is offered Mondays at 8 pm. 

This drop in run-thru style class is geared to dogs who already have the fundamentals of the utility exercises. Our instructors will help you polish and perfect you performance.

Beginner Utility is offered occasionally. This class covers the fundamentals of the utility exercises with special attention to scent articles, gloves and go outs/directed jumping. Please check the schedule.


Buddy Training is on Wednesdays at 10AM as a drop in classes.

In Buddy Training we share rings with other trainers. It is not a formal class. If there are two people working on utility at the same time, for example, we often do two sets of directed retrieving, each handler facing the opposite direction. We have one ring set up for Open, and we have one ring set up for Utility.

You will be in the ring with another handler. However, sometimes the classes are smaller and you might be there by yourself with no one else in your ring. However the instructor will always be there from 10 until 11AM.

Please note that club members will be given preference over non-members in cases of high turn out. There is no private training permitted.
